Sian Wingate


Legal Operations and Compliance Specialist
Facilitator | Speaker | MC

Hi, I’m Sian

I am passionate about helping organisations to simplify the complexity of setting up operational frameworks for delivery of legal services and establishing compliance programmes.

With 20 years experience in legal services , I have developed a range of proven frameworks to ‘get things done’ in a simple but effective way.

I love to share my techniques via workshops, speaking engagements and webinars.

I have spent over a decade in-house refining my methods to:

  • identify core legal services that demand in-house legal support

  • build quality relationships with panel firms to supplement the in-house team services

  • create resources to make legal teams more effective

  • train business units to learn how to be compliant to meet legal and regulatory obligations

  • improve capability of lawyers and operational teams to spot legal risks early and manage them

  • implement compliance tools and training

  • set up and maintain legal operational frameworks to manage matters, host templates and monitor legal spend

I founded sian wingate advisory to pass on my skills and proven frameworks to other legal and compliance teams. I can speak and facilitate workshops on all of the above.

It took me a decade to build these frameworks.

I want other in-house legal teams and compliance functions to gain access to my techniques a lot faster. In months rather than years.

I am a seasoned speaker and facilitator delivering sessions to conferences with delegate attendances of more than 500.

Thanks for visiting my website to learn more about me and my speaking engagements.

Feel free to browse.

If you’d like a chat to learn more about how I can help with your conference, training or workshop requirements please book a Teams chat here.


Engage | Train | Empower

This is my approach to conference sessions. Delegates want to be engaged with on-point, relevant content. They benefit from skills gained in-session to empower them to implement what they have learned back in the office.

I specialise in delivering conference sessions that achieve all of this.

View a Sample Below

In-House Legal Conference Dedicated to Local Government Lawyers. Hosted by Dunedin City Council.

1-Day Conference. Dunedin.

15 September 2023

“So valuable! I now know how to assess the organisation’s needs before I speak to a vendor!” Delegate

I facilitated and co-presented an overview of technology tools used by local and regional councils in New Zealand for legal matter management and compliance.

  • Duration: 60 minutes

  • Role: Facilitator and Co-Presenter

  • Delegate Attendance: 100+

Learning Outcomes

In this session, delegates achieved the following:

  • Learned how other local and regional government lawyers deploy matter management tools

  • Understood how to identify the needs for the organisation and legal team before buying or implementing a new software tool

  • Gained insights on pros and cons of ‘done-for-you’ legal compliance tools vs ‘do-it-yourself’ registers

Legalwise In-House Counsel Summit

1-Day Conference. Online.

9 March 2023

“This was the most valuable and informative part of the afternoon session, with practical guidance on how to start addressing key issues of capacity/resourcing.” Delegate

I chaired and presented at this annual in-house counsel summit hosted by established legal training provider Legalwise.

  • Duration: 60 minutes

  • Role: Chair and Presenter

  • Delegate Attendance: 50+

Learning Outcomes

  • To learn how to gather data on the range of in-house legal services delivered

  • To understand how to use the insights from such data to assess when to delegate services back to the business units, to panel firms or to retain these service lines in-house

  • To gain insights on how tools such as intranet sites, templates, training and panel firms can assist legal teams to free up time

  • To discover who legal services can and should be delegated to in order to boost productivity in legal teams

“Provided excellent sound and practical advice” - Delegate

In House Lawyers Association of New Zealand

2-Day Conference.

20 -21 May 2021

I presented at this annual in-house counsel conference hosted by the In House Lawyers Association of New Zealand (ILANZ).

  • Duration: 60 minutes

  • Role: Presenter

  • Delegate Attendance: 400+ (Session attendance 65+)


In-house counsel are very familiar with the demands of providing legal services, advice and support to multi-discipline teams.

Often, however, in-house counsel struggle to explain exactly what their own legal function does. Put simply, they are not clear on their service lines and how to list out the specific activities they routinely perform in a clear way. It's an overwhelming task for many.

This can affect their ability to clearly articulate their value to the organisation, to build a business case for more resource or to decide what to train the business to do for themselves.

Learning Outcomes

Delegates engaged in an interactive workshop and took away resources to achieve the following:

  • how to draw an activities map to identify exactly what activities their legal function delivers

  • how to group these activities into a service line register within a handy worksheet supplied

  • why this data is essential to be able to scale their legal function with more staff, tech or other efficiency hack

“This was hands-down the best, most practical session at conference. I can’t wait to get started on Sian’s recommendations” - Delegate