In Person | Expert Help


1 Day Workshop


Gain clarity on the full range of services your legal team delivers. Drive decisions on how to use your team to manage legal risk.

This one day, expertly guided workshop is designed to help you to:

  • Discover how to map the full range of services your legal team supports.

  • Assess which services could benefit from being self-managed with templates or training.

  • Identify areas of service that are being under-delivered or over-serviced.

  • Understand how to allocate team members to support services in-person or act as an expert advisor on legal resources.

  • Populate your own custom service lines register using our proprietary technique.

  • Build a business case for change in how your team supports your organisation.

To gain true insights into how many support activities your legal function delivers now and identify ways to improve efficiency with a balanced risk approach, a service line audit and register is a core resource for all in-house legal teams.

With resources in place that offer a blend of in-person legal support partnered with self-service resources, legal teams can leverage even small teams to service their organisation’s legal risk management needs effectively.

Time Investment

This workshop is designed to be held on one day.

There is some pre-work involved: around 2 hours of content preparation and submission to your facilitator.


By the end of this day, you will have a take-away services register ready to refine and improve.

You will have clarity on what your legal function does do, what it can do more of in-person and what it can better support with on-demand resources.


Workshop Overview

In this one-day workshop you will be guided through the following modules.

  • A hands-on interactive method to map out what your legal or compliance function does…and does not do.

    Gain clarity on the exact range of service areas and activities you support and deliver.

  • Be guided on how to document how to document and categorise your range of legal services in our exclusive spreadsheet template.

    In this part of the session, you see worked examples and start to build a tailored services register for your function.

  • After building a services register, it is time to rate if you need to offer in-person support for every service. If not, you allocate as self-service.

    In this part of the session, you start to use the data from your services register to drive decisions on how to leverage your team to best support your organisation.

  • A legal team needs to allocate requests, build templates and support colleagues. After mapping your services, you can match team members to the service lines.

    If you’re a small team, you map which business colleagues can self-support with upskilling.

    In this part of the workshop, I offer guidance on how to leverage your team to support the full range of services you offer.

  • With your newly-minted services register, we move into a strategy session to close out the day.

    You decide if template builds are needed, if some service lines can be delegated back to the business or if you need to build a business case for more headcount.

    In this part of the session, I offer practical, actionable techniques on how to make decisions on the day or after reflection.

Who Should Participate

  • General Counsel and Chief Legal Officers

  • Legal Counsel

  • Legal Operations Managers

  • Legal Practice Managers

  • Legal Administrators

How You Are Supported

This is a guided workshop facilitated by Sian Wingate, Legal Operations specialist.

  • In person 8 hours

  • Tailored resources supplied

  • Pre-session questionnaire issued to fast-track the day

  • Whole teams welcome***: it is an excellent team building day

*Single organisation training only

**Terms & Conditions Apply

***subject to maximum number of 10 participants - pricing and duration may vary for larger teams


Brendan Peet, General Counsel Queenstown Lakes District Council

Service Lines Have Improved our Matter Allocation Process

“With Sian’s service line training, we have now matched specific lawyers to service areas that suit their skills.

We can now allocate matters faster and more effectively.”



I encourage other legal functions to make this investment in these workshops– it will save you money and time in the long-run, and help form stronger, more effective and efficient relationships with your internal stakeholders

What People Are Saying


"Using service lines to explain what services we deliver is such a game-changing approach to understanding my role as an in-house legal advisor"

Delegate, In House Lawyers Association of New Zealand, Suss out Your Service Lines workshop, Wellington, 2021

“It has helped us frame up the content for the contract creation and management policy and process and templates to be managed by our Procurement and Supply Chain function which is a new pan-business support function that has had to create everything from new”

Hiramai Rogers, General Counsel, Tuatahi First Fibre, 2021

“We are having a fine time implementing what we have learned from our wonderful two days with you”

Grace Ockwell, Legal Counsel
Te Wananga o Aotearoa, 2023